University Writing Center (UWC)

We're Here for You Every Step of the Way
At the University Writing Center, faculty and student tutors assist with any aspect of the writing process. We welcome students from all disciplines and at any level.
Before Making an Appointment:
The Writing Center sessions are typically 30 minutes in length. During each session, we can review a maximum of eight pages. Students may schedule up to three appointments a week; repeated appointments may be necessary for longer documents.
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Carrollton location
Hours (can be virtual upon request)
- Open January 21 - May 5
- Monday - Thursday 10:00 AM - 5:00 PM
- Friday 10:00 AM - 1:00 PM
Location Information
- Boyd 205
- (678) 839-6513
Newnan Location
Hours (both in-person and virtual)
- Mondays & Wednesdays 9:00 - 10:30 AM
Location Information
- The Shell-Coggin Writing Center, Newnan Center, Room 102
Appointments and Closings
Making Appointments
To make an appointment, you will need your:
- Name
- Student ID (917) number
- Class and Section Number for the assignment (For example, ENGL 1101-11)
- Preferred appointment date and time
Appointments last 30 minutes. In that time, we can usually review around eight pages. Students may schedule up to three appointments a week; repeated appointments may be necessary for longer documents.
Make sure to schedule an appointment well before the assignment is due in order to apply what you’ve learned to your essay. Tutors reserve the right to end a session scheduled the day the assignment is due.
If you need to cancel your session, please let us know at least an hour before your appointment begins.
- A printed copy of your paper is preferred, but you can also bring your laptop. (We do have computers in the Center, but availability is limited).
- The directions for the assignment from your professor.
- Any notes you have taken while working on the assignment.
- At least one or two questions or concerns about the assignment that can help direct the session.
- When you arrive at the UWC, check-in at the front desk
- If you arrive more than 10 minutes late, you will have missed your appointment. You will be logged as a “No Show” and asked to reschedule.
- You will meet with your tutor and begin the session by providing them with your assignment prompt, any work you’ve done, and any questions or concerns you have.
- Be aware: The Writing Center operates as an extension of the classroom. The consultants can help with any concern you have with the writing process, but they cannot edit or proofread your paper. During the session, they are tutoring you on writing techniques (and how to identify and correct errors in your paper) that you can utilize independently of the Writing Center.
- You will generally leave the tutorial with new ideas and a fresh perspective on your paper. You may schedule a follow-up appointment if necessary.
Please do not contact your tutor directly prior to or after your appointment – direct all communications to!
- When you click into your Google Meet link, make sure the email account in the upper right-hand corner is your 博彩平台推荐 email account – otherwise, you will not be able to enter the meeting room.
- Please note: all virtual meetings must take place in a quiet, distraction-free environment with a stable internet connection. Tutors reserve the right to ask you to reschedule if these conditions are not met. If a student is driving, the appointment will immediately be terminated and the student will be asked to reschedule.
- If you log in more than 10 minutes late, you will have missed your appointment. You will be logged as a “No Show” and asked to reschedule.
- You will meet with your tutor and begin the session by providing them with your assignment prompt, any work you’ve done (via sharing your screen or Google Docs), and any questions or concerns you have .
- Be aware: The Writing Center operates as an extension of the classroom. The consultants can help with any concern you have with the writing process, but they cannot edit or proofread your paper. During the session, they are tutoring you on writing techniques (and how to identify and correct errors in your paper) that you can utilize independently of the Writing Center.
- You will generally leave the tutorial with new ideas and a fresh perspective on your paper. You may schedule a follow-up appointment if necessary.
Please do not contact your tutor directly prior to or after your appointment – direct all communications to!
The Writing Center will be closed during the vacation schedule constructed by the University. (See the Academic Calendar for all of the University closures.) Also, any University closure (e.g. for weather) will result in the closure of the Writing Center, which will not resume regular operating hours until campus reopens.
Writing Resources

Explore Our Writing Resources
Do you need help with your writing? The Writing Center has a collection of resources for you to utilize.
- Writing & Research Process
- Plagiarism & Citations
- Grammar & Grammarly
- and so much more!
We also have subject-specific resources like Film, which includes a glossary, and Creative Writing.
Writing ResourcesExplore Our Writing Resources